Welcome to another paddling blog!

Hey Everyone!

Procrastination is taking its toll again as I sit here and crate this new "blog". A space for family and friends to see what I am up to in my paddling "career".  I always have a burning desire to paddle, unfortunately school leaves me very occupied.  This said, my passion and love for paddling keeps me focused and motivated to finish the task at hand, becoming an influential educator. Once finished university, my "dream," is to use kayaking as a vector for both learning and travel to educate others along my journeys. I would preach alternate education strategies, in hopes schools  change the way they educate their children and ultimately provoke a new sustainable education paradigm (based off of Ken Robinsons "Divergent Thinking" idea). Join me in my struggle for an education in todays flawed learning systems all while I try to run as much whitewater as possible in my time off.

My first undertaking is to finish my exams and pass all of my courses for the semester.

December 6th - Climate and Hydrology Final
December 7th - Human Geography Final
December 8th - Natural Hazards Final
December 11th - Calculus Final
December 18th - Biology Final

There will not be much time for boating, but we will see what I can get out to do!



  1. OMG...This is so great! Kids do need a voice for helping them find effective ways to learn ... What a great way to help....Goodluck!

  2. Good luck Alex! That's a doozie of an exam sched...is there really such a thing as "brief calculus?"

  3. Hey Alex, long time no talk! Our class schedule looks pretty similiar (minus calculus haha). I love everything you're saying about education, I'm looking into getting a masters in environmental education, but that's a ways off. Good luck in your exams!
